Port Hope Simpson

Attractions, travel, accommodation, events, festivals, transportation, services & stores. Come along & enjoy great hospitality & local Labrador cuisine. Explore the fascinating history about the first company town in Labrador. Discover the settlers' courageous struggle against a legacy of unsustainable development of the Labrador forests. Salmon and trouting rivers, icebergs, whale-watching, boat rides, Sno-blast skidoo activities for young & old geared to the fast & slow.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sharing skills changing lives

The Human Figure represents the spirit of Port Hope Simpson and its enthusiastic fire. The Labrador Flag represents our heritage. The House represents the importance of home and family that exists in our community. The Port Hope Simpson banner represents our town's pride and teamwork.
Stacy Russell
Port Hope Simpson Come Home Year 2002